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World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day

31 May 2018

World No Tobacco Day

Despite stop smoking campaigns, the price of tobacco increasing, and packaging of products being made plain the risk of smoking remains to be worryingly high. Tobacco remains to be one of the biggest killers and causes of cardiovascular diseases. 
Many times, we read what happens to your body when you smoke but we want to focus on what happens to your body when you stop smoking. It’s easy for many to think they won’t be the one who has a stroke, gets lung cancer, or develop cardiovascular disease, but the following things happen to EVERY person that stops smoking. 

After ONE HOUR: your heart rate returns to normal. Blood pressure begins to drop, and circulation improves.

After 12 HOURS: the body cleanses itself of excess carbon monoxide increasing the body’s oxygen levels

After ONE DAY: the risk of a heart attack begins to decrease. 

After TWO DAYS: nerve endings begin to heal so smell and taste are more vivid.

After THREE DAYS: Your nicotine levels will drop and you may feel irritable, or suffer from headaches and cravings.

After ONE MONTH: lung function begins to improve you may notice less coughing or shortness of breath.

After NINE MONTHS: The lungs have significantly healed, and lung infections decrease as the cilia I the lungs heal.

After ONE YEAR: The risk of coronary heart disease decreases by half and will continue to drop.

After FIVE YEARS: The risk of stroke will continue to reduce over the next 10 years as the body heals more

After TEN YEARS the chance of developing lung cancer and dying from It are roughly cut in half compared to someone still smoking.

After TWENTY YEARS the risk of death from smoking-related causes including lung disease and cancer drops to the level of a person who has never smoked. 

It’s never too late to stop, for help and advice visit: 


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