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Sexual Health Week

Sexual Health Week

24 September 2018

Sexual Health Week

24th – 30th September is sexual health week. Sexual health week is more than just protecting yourself from STI’s and practicing safe sex, this year’s week is also about consent.

The above video explains consent in a clear way. They use the concept of making someone a cup of tea as a comparison for gaining consent for sex, it’s simple and effective.

What to know about consent:

1. Sexual consent must be explicit

2. You can always change your mind

3. It's good to check in with each other

4. It's fine to slow things down or stop

5. Drink and drugs affect consent 

Here are the basics of consent. Consent is:

Freely given - Consenting is a choice you make without pressure, manipulation, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Reversible - Anyone can change their mind about what they feel like doing, anytime. Even if you’ve done it before, and even if you’re both naked in bed.

Informed - You can only consent to something if you have the full story. For example, if someone says they’ll use a condom and then they don’t, there isn’t full consent.

Enthusiastic - When it comes to sex, you should only do stuff you WANT to do, not things that you feel you’re expected to do.

Specific - Saying yes to one thing (like going to the bedroom to make out) doesn’t mean you’ve said yes to others (like having sex).

Where can you get checked out for STI’s?

Birmingham offers a service under the name 'Umbrella'. Umbrella is specifically for people who live in Birmingham, you can visit one of their centres or you can order a self-sampling kit:
Umbrella also offers free condoms, psychosexual services, pregnancy testing, cervical cancer screening and more.

The City of Coventry Health Centre, CV1 4FS, is Coventry’s designated sexual health centre, their services include:
Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing, Chlamydia testing, Contraception (pills, implants, coils etc.), Emergency contraception, Free condoms, Pregnancy testing, HIV care, Psychosexual counselling, General sexual health advice. See more:



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