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07 November 2018


Diwali is a festival many of us have heard of but not many know the story behind. Celebrated by Hindus Diwali is a festival of light celebrating an incarnation of their god as Rama. The festival of light based on the story of Rama returning to his people after being exiled for 14 days. It’s believed in this time Rama fought a demon king and so his victory and return was celebrated with lights being lit in homes, business and streets.

Each year Diwali is celebrated and is one of the most famous and popular Hindu festivals, families gather, and share presents and feasts. Some also see the festival as the start of a new year.

Diwali celebrations stretch over a week from November 5th to November 9th, but the official day of Diwali is November 7th.

How is the Festival of Lights celebrated?

The festival has different days to mark different times in the festival. The beginning of the festival is marked by homes being cleaned, lights bought for decoration and prayers.

The second day is one which sees Hindus wake before sunrise to apply holy oils to their bodies.

Diwali falls on the third day and this is when feasts are shared, presents exchanged and a prayer ritual is undertaken.

On the fourth day Hindus light oil lamps and offer vegetarian food in temples or at sacred shrines in their own homes. 

The final day, the bond between brothers and sisters is celebrated with sisters often inviting brothers to their homes for a large meal. 

For those who cannot visit with their siblings or have none - prayers are said to the moon. 

Happy Diwali to all celebrating for the team at Dudley Lodge!
















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