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Alcohol Awareness Week

Alcohol Awareness Week

19 November 2018

Alcohol Awareness Week

At this time of year, with Christmas and New Year fast approaching alcohol consumption rises as social events increase. Alcohol awareness week isn’t to halt a stop to festivities and people enjoying a drink, but it is to make us all aware of just how much we’re drinking and how we behave when we drink too much.

Alcohol awareness week crosses over with ‘International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women’ (25th November) as over the Christmas and New Year period a rise in calls to domestic violence charities increase and assault and domestic murders spike 25 percent over the Christmas period. However, it isn’t just women that suffer as men also come under domestic abuse.

Top tips for alcohol consumption over the festive season:

1. Know your limits
It’s easy to get carried away when surrounded by friends, family, and co-workers. Make sure you know your limits and don’t get pulled in to drinking the same as someone who can drink a lot more than you.

2. Don't drink and drive
Never, ever drink and drive. Always make sure you have a way of getting home, whether it’s public transport, a taxi or a friend. If you do need to drive – do not drink!

3. Never leave your drink unattended
Even if you’re at an event with friends and co-workers, never leave your drink unattended, make sure you keep it with you at all times. Don’t put it down, walk away, and come back to it later as there’s a high chance someone can tamper with your drink.

4. Eat well before going out
‘lining your stomach’ as they call it will help you manage and control your drink over the night.

5. Avoid binge drinking
Binge drinking is not only bad for you the next day when you're severely hungover, but it can have some pretty bad long-term effects too. The recommended unit of alcohol per week is 14 units so bear this in mind.


Alcohol Awareness Week is a chance for the UK to get thinking about drinking. It’s a week of awareness-raising, campaigning for change, and more. 

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