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Celebrating our Thrive at Work bronze accreditation: A triumph for our commitment to wellbeing

Celebrating our Thrive at Work bronze accreditation: A triumph for our commitment to wellbeing

04 December 2023

Celebrating our Thrive at Work bronze accreditation: A triumph for our commitment to wellbeing

We're thrilled to share the exciting news that Dudley Lodge has achieved the prestigious Thrive at Work Health & Wellbeing Bronze Award, showing our steadfast commitment to cultivating a healthy and supportive work environment. This Bronze accreditation is a symbol of our dedication to both organizational and individual wellbeing, highlighting the flourishing culture we've worked hard to build.

Thrive at Work has been an invaluable partner on our journey, providing us with a structured approach to fortify the health and happiness of our workforce. This achievement is a collective success, reflecting the dedication and collaboration of the entire Dudley Lodge team.

The assessment process was comprehensive, involving interviews with staff members from various teams across all our Centres. These interviews captured insights from both senior management and staff members with tenures ranging from 6 months to an impressive 31 years of service.

Long-term team members have noticed positive shifts in health and wellbeing practices over the years, emphasizing the genuine interest our line managers have consistently shown in our welfare. Our thorough staff induction process, including job role shadowing and training with senior management, contributes significantly to the positive working environment we've fostered.

Communication within our organization is a standout strength, providing ample opportunities for us to discuss health and wellbeing matters with our line managers. Our 'open door' policy ensures that each staff member feels heard, fostering a culture of mutual support and understanding.

Our commitment to mental health is evident through our Wellbeing Policy. The provision of information and support for managing mental and emotional wellbeing, along with the presence of trained Mental Health First Aiders, showcases our holistic approach to employee health.

We promote a healthy work-life balance, are encouraged to take breaks from our desks and we've provided appropriate information to empower staff to make healthier choices, covering a range of subjects related to health and wellbeing.

This emphasis on wellbeing, led by Tania Faithfull, our Training and Development Manager and Wellbeing Champion, has contributed to an atmosphere where we feel safe, supported, and comfortable addressing any health or wellbeing concerns.

Achieving the Thrive at Work Bronze Award signifies our dedication to implementing effective policies, maintaining good line management, and fostering engagement at all levels. This accomplishment is a testament to our collective efforts, and we celebrate this well-deserved recognition with pride!