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News - 2018

World Friendship Day


On world friendship day we wanted to reflect on and use some of the discussions we use with our residents to look at recognising a good friend and a bad friend. Friends are important to our lives, they’re often referred to as the family we get to choose. So, how do we choose the right ones? There are many traits you can look out for in... Read more

Stay Safe in Water this Summer


The nice weather is the perfect excuse to be around water, whether you’re heading to the beach, going to the nearest swimming pool or blowing up your old paddling pool! We can sometimes get so carried away with enjoying the sun and making the most of the water activities that we forget just how dangerous water can be for young children.... Read more

Mixed Berry Ice Popsicles


Another addition to our Summer Snacks for Kids is our mixed berry ice popsicles. These ice popsicles are a great alternative to sugary ice-lollies, they get kids interested in fruit as they’re super quick and easy to make with little mess or cleaning up. You can swap the fruit we’ve used for any others your child prefers more and... Read more

6 Ways to Keep Your Child Cool in the Heat


1. Dress Appropriately Be sure to keep your child in light airy clothing. Too many layers will make them hot and distressed, especially during the evening and night time. When putting your baby to sleep, if the temperature is above 25 degrees a nappy and cotton vest is suitable. Remember that temperature drops throughout the night so be sure to... Read more